Sunday, October 31, 2010

Follow Us Monday Morning 11/1

Welcome to Follow Us Monday Morning - the Monday blog hop and Google friend follow here at Being Frugal and Making it Work and Frugality Is Free. This is the place where we casually meet and greet, have a little conversation and expand our blogging networks.

I am honored to have been chosen to represent the 'Us' in Follow Us Monday Morning

I'm looking forward to being the co-host with JR from Frugality Is Free.  I'm also looking forward to meeting new friends.  I know that we have so much to share and so much to learn from one another.

Each week we will feature a blog as Hot Blog of the Week, and we will post a question to get the conversation started. The Hot Blog of the Week will get the first place in the linky, and the featured blogger will win a free ad space here at Frugality Is Free for a week.

The Hot Blog of The Week is:


Hot Blog of The Week

Coupon Cents Sisters

The two sisters, Julie and Adele, have teamed up on sharing the latest freebies and great deals with you. Julie lives in Conneticut and Adele lives in Georgia, but despite the distance they are doing a fantastic job at Coupon Cents Sisters. Besides finding the best deals, freebies and coupon tips, Coupon Cents Sisters also have some great family posts.

If you have not done so already, I hope you will stop by Coupon Cents Sisters, you might just find some great free samples, good deals and awesome coupons.


Follow Us Morning Feature BONUS!!! As a new bonus, the Follow Us Morning Featured blogger will win a FREE ad space for a week at Frugality Is Free.
Tip: The best way to gain more followers during a blog hop is by following others first, and leaving a link back so that they can easily find you. So don't forget to let someone know, if you are following their blog. One way to do this is by commenting and leaving your clickable blog signature (see below).

To participate:

Answer the Follow Us Monday Morning question (in the comment area or in a post) and post the button in your post. This is not mandatory, but it sure is appreciated, as it will help spread the word.

Question of the Week

Question of the Week: Did you give out candy for Halloween? If so, what candy did you give out? Is it the same ever year?

My answer:    Unfortunately, we live too far out of town to get trick-or-treaters on Halloween.  If we did live in an area where we got trick-or-treaters, I would buy something that we liked.  That way, if we didn't hand it all out - we would want to eat it! :)


Do you want to be Hot Blog of The Week?


•Blog about Follow Us Monday Morning (leave direct link)

•Post the Follow Us Monday Morning button in your sidebar (leave link)

•Tweet about the Follow Us Monday Morning Blog Hop (leave link)



Shawn said...

Hello, stopping by from the Monday Hop!

Kirsten said...

Hey darling!
This year we had an array of different sweets to give out- but I kept the majority of the York Peppermint Patties to myself... yum!
(a serious stomach ache ensued)

Cindy said...

No giving out of candy. I am the same as you, live way out!

Cindy said...

I am your newest follower #539

come on over to my place:

Shanti said...

Your newest follower...also added the following us monday morning button

Anonymous said...

I didn't hand out candy, but had a really fun time Trick-Or-Treating with my kids, and friends. One of the best holiday's for zero pressure family fun!