Thursday, October 7, 2010

Frugal, Homemade Halloween Costumes - Popeye & Olive Oyl

Two years ago for Halloween, my two adorable children told me that they wanted to be Popeye and Olive Oyl for Halloween!  I thought it was the cutest idea and was SO excited to get their costumes!  I started looking online and to my surprise couldn't find a single kids size costume.  That got me worried because I can't sew to save my life! LOL!

I wanted to let them be what they wanted, because I thought it would be too darn cute! And a costume that is unique and different!  With some great advice from family and friends, I was able to come up with their costumes and I didn't spend much money on them either!  


I glued the rick rack onto the skirt and used velcro for the lace!  I might not be able to sew but I am rather creative. :)

  • Black wig - $2.50 at Target
  • Long Black Skirt - $2.50 on Ebay
  • Lace for sleeves and collar - $0.99 cents at Hancock Fabrics
  • Red Rick Rack for skirt - $1.99 at Hancock Fabrics
  • She already had the red shirt and boots


We glued green construction paper over a new, empty paint can.  I also printed a couple of anchors off the computer and we glued them to his forearms.
  • Shirt - $2 at a Thrift Store
  • Muscles $3 at Goodwill
  • Sailor Hat - $2 at Halloween Store
  • Felt for spinach leaves - $0.50 cents at Michael's
  • He already had the pants and boots

Olive Oyl: $8.00
Popeye: $7.50
Total Spent: $15.50 
Smiles on the faces of my children and comments about the costumes:  PRICELESS!


  1. YOu found the muscles??? Any ideas for a pre-teen. My son is 11 (almost 12) and in middle school. He needs a great- as in clever-(not spendy) idea. And I am not good at the costume thing?? Any advice???


  2. Following you back! Thanks for stopping by to say hi! Beth @ Two Monkeys & a Washtub!

  3. Great idea! You're so creative!

    New follower from teh Social parade! Stop on by when you get a chance!

  4. This is so cute! I love that you got some things on Ebay! I always forget it's there but it's such a good idea for things like that!

  5. Following via Friday Follow!
    Would love to have you stop by and check
    us out too! Lots of great family friendly
    giveaways @
    Have a great day!

    p.s. adorable!

  6. LOVE...LOVE...LOVE! My favorite costumes EVER! I also love that you made them yourself on a very frugal budget!
