Sunday, November 28, 2010

100% FREE and Frugal Shopping!


Earning and winning online is my most frugal way of living! I blog and enter giveaways and contests on a daily basis. I'm in it to win it and most of the time it really pays off.

It's like Christmas almost everyday at my house, between the mailman, UPS and FedEx --- I never know what's going to show up at my door.  I'm not sure who enjoys it more, my kids, my hubby or myself!

Just a few minutes ago, I completed an online shopping spree at Target. I had recieved a $50 e-gift card for participating in a blogging program.

Gift Message:

Thank you for participating in the Snuggle blogging program. As one of the first 50 qualified paricipants, you get a $50 Target e-gift card. Enjoy!



My wonderful hubby has been wanting an indoor/outdoor thermometer for quite some time now.  So, this was the perfect opportunity for me to get one for him.  I got $70 worth of items for FREE!  It just doesn't get any better than shopping for free!

Have you gotten any great deals lately?


  1. That's awesome Bridget! I actually used my gift card this morning, but I added a bit of my online earnings as well, as I wanted to get a family point and shoot camera. My husband sometimes need to use a camera for work, and the kids love to take photographs, but I am not letting anyone get close to my SLR camera.

    I got the Canon Powershot 12 MP that was on sale for $89 today at Target, I used the gift card and saved a total of

  2. Oops I hit the post button too fast. I saved a total of $120!!!

  3. I know isn't it great?!I wonder if the mailman gets mad at me

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    The Romantic Type
