Several weeks ago I entered a photo contest at 103.1 KCDA, to be entered to win tickets to Disney on Ice at the Spokane Arena. When I originally entered, I thought the prize was 2 tickets. A couple weeks went by and to be honest, I had forgotten about entering the contest. Then, I received an e-mail stating that I had won a family 4 pack to Disney on Ice! I was thrilled and couldn't wait to tell my kids.
My entire family, husband included, is looking forward to seeing this over the weekend. My daughter can't stop talking about it. I know we are going to have a BLAST!

Disney on Ice: Let's Celebrate will be at the Spokane Arena from Wednesday 11/17 through Sunday 11/21! Join Disney On Ice - Let's Celebrate! at the Spokane Arena. It's one colossal party on ice, with over 50 of your favorite Disney friends!
Disney on Ice - Spokane Arena performances:
Doors open at 1 hour prior to show time
Every person 2 and older must have a ticket
Cameras are allowed, but NO flash photography for the safety of the skaters
Wednesday, November 17 at 7:30 pm
Thursday, November 18 at 7:30 pm
Friday, November 19 at 7:30pm
Saturday, November 20 at 11:30 am, 3:30 pm and 7:30 pm
Sunday, November 21 at 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm
Tickets are still available for purchase and the prices are $16, $25, $35 and $50
You can purchase tickets or enter below for your chance to WIN tickets!
Feld Entertainment and the Spokane Arena have generously offered a Family 4 Pack to the Sunday, November 21st 5:00 pm performance to one lucky Being Frugal and Making it Work reader!
ONE lucky Being Frugal and Making it Work reader is going to receive a family pack of 4 tickets to see the Sunday, November 21st performance at 5:00 pm!!
Mandatory Entry:
Tell me WHO you will take to the show if you win and what Disney character is your favorite!
This giveaway will end at 9:00 pm on Friday November 19th
This giveaway is open to local residents only. The winner will be chosen using, with the winner will be notified by phone or e-mail. Please make sure I have a way to contact you. You can leave your email, or link to your blog site. The winner will have until Saturday morning to respond, if there is no response another winner will be chosen.
**The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Results may vary. I was not compensated in any way. The generous sponsor of this giveaway will leave the tickets at "will call" under the winner's full name.
I am so excited to read up on ALL your info!! I love frugal!!! :0)
Tell me WHO you will take to the show if you win and what Disney character is your favorite!
~ I would take my 2 kids: Karly who is 13 and Logan who is 8 and my husband of almost 14 years!!! My FAVORITE Disney Character is Goofy!! I think because he's not like everyone else and is a big clumsy at times!! :0) A lot like me!
I would LOVE to take my two-year-old niece and my five-year-old nephew to Disney on Ice! My mom or my sister would go, too. I love Mickey! He's my ultimate fave! I also like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. My nephew loves the Toy Story characters & my niece loves Tinkerbell! :)
Hi there, I'm your newest follower! Follow me back to Free 2 Be Frugal.
HELLO :) Not sure if I am doing this right. I really want to enter to win this contests. My kids really would love to see this show! We don't have enough money to take them. So I am trying my best to enter in this contest and cross my fingers. My daughter is 8 and of course she loves ALL the princesses! My sons are 3 and 5. And they love everyone disney especially BUZZ light year and of course MICKEY MOUSE!!! This experience would be amazing I have never been able to take my children to anything like this. I would be the MOST greatful person in the world to win theses tickets!!!! My email address is and my phone number is 509-327-7511 not sure if I am even doing this right I am a first timer for all this. If I put this in the wrong area I am sorry. Good luck to everyone. Have a great DAY!!
Hey there,
I would take my daughter Annika and hubby, if he is home.
My favorite Disney character is Dumbo. I always felt sorry for him and was so happy when he became a flying success!! As for Ani's favorite............who knows. ha ha shes not the one answering these questions trying to win some freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tickets like my pal Bridget who alwaysssssssssssssss winnnnnnnnnnnssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello again................I do love being frugal! I am just not as dedicated at it as you are. I call it cheap! When I'm trying to get a deal on stuff. But frugal is a much nicer word.
Have fun keeping us posted on all your amazing finds and passing them on to us so we too can be 'frugal'!
See ya! Deb
Hope I'm doing this correctly...I just "liked" you on Facebook and posted a comment under the contest post. I am also posting here (obviously). I would take my three-year-old twins and either my husband or mother-in-law. We all went last year and it was so fun to watch how excited the kids were. My favorite Disney character is Sebastian from the Little Mermaid.
I would take my dd's and my friend and her girl =) I love Mickey! He is iconic =) Thanks for the giveaway!
nickandhanan at hotmail dot com
Following via GFC!
Follow you on FB! Hanan Webster
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Following on Twitter! @lilaccitymomma
You don't have to publish this comment, but I added your link to your giveaway to my last post about my giveaway!!!
I am now a follower of your wonderful site!! I first want to congradulate You on winning Your tickets!! I bet Your kids are telling all their friends at school about it!! If I won the tickets I would take my family. My husband and 2 children(Heather and Billy) Heather loves the princess.Billy loves Mikey mouse and I like mini mouse and my husband loves ice scating period. I think that this would be a wonderful thing to do with the family. Crossin my fingers!! :-)
I would take my mother, brother and son. Micky Mouse is my favorite.
I am following on facebook.
This is such an awesome giveaway!!! It is going to make one family (hopefully mine ;o) ) VERY happy! If I won I would take my 3 kiddos! I have 2 sons, 8 and almost 5 (on Christmas day!) and a 2 year old daughter! They would be soooo excited for this! My favorite Disney character...that is tough...I love them all, but I think I'd have to go with Minnie Mouse! :)
I follow on Facebook and shared your page on my wall
I follow via twitter (my id: KimMease)
I tweeted the post yesterday (11-17-10)
I tweeted the post today 11-18-10
I have subscribed to your email list. :0)
I subscribed via gmail.
I am following via the Networked Blog
I noticed that after posting my tweet yesterday of this giveaway, someone else retweeted it. I also noticed that someone else retweeted one of your other links that I posted! I am glad people are seeing the links!! :0)
Thought i posted but I do not see it. I would love to win these tickets! I would take my 3 amazing daughters! My favorite character is Tinkerbell! My email is! Thanks
Love Disney on ICE!! I would take my 8 yr old boy, my 3 yr old girl and a very lucky "friend"!!! I love all the characters wayyyyyyy to hard to choose but if you make me I guess it would be Tink that girl ROCKS!!! I'm following on Facebook!!! Thanks, Erica
Hey Bridget! Im now following on facebook and google! Thanks for the help.
If I won, I would take my three oldest children. My favorite Disney character is Jasmine; because she is strong, independant and beautiful!
I follow you through Google Friend Connect!
I like you on Facebook!
subscribed to site, HOPE I WIN! HOPE I WIN! HOPE I WIN.....
I see that my email address is not included...i thought i did...sorry (just in case i win). or
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