Welcome to Follow Us Monday Morning - the Monday blog hop and Google friend follow here at Being Frugal and Making it Work and Frugality Is Free. This is the place where we casually meet and greet, have a little conversation and expand our blogging networks.

I am honored to have been chosen to represent the 'Us' in Follow Us Monday Morning!
I'm looking forward to being the co-host with JR from Frugality Is Free. I'm also looking forward to meeting new friends. I know that we have so much to share and so much to learn from one another.
Each week we will feature a blog as Hot Blog of the Week, and we will post a question to get the conversation started. The Hot Blog of the Week will get the first place in the linky, and the featured blogger will win a free ad space here at Frugality Is Free for a week.
The Hot Blog of The Week is:
Hot Blog of The Week
Keenly Kristen

Kristin at Keenly Kristin is a bit of a mystery, she likes to read and ponder about life. You can also find reviews and much more.
If you have not done so already, I hope you will stop by Keenly Kristin and see what she has to say.
Follow Us Morning Feature BONUS!!! As a new bonus, the Follow Us Morning Featured blogger will win a FREE ad space for a week at Frugality Is Free.
Tip: The best way to gain more followers during a blog hop is by following others first, and leaving a link back so that they can easily find you. So don't forget to let someone know, if you are following their blog. One way to do this is by commenting and leaving your clickable blog signature (see below).
Answer the Follow Us Monday Morning question (in the comment area or in a post) and post the button in your post. This is not mandatory, but it sure is appreciated, as it will help spread the word.
Question of the Week
Question of the Week: When was the last time you had a yard sale? How often do you have yard sales?
My answer: I had my first ever yard sale last summer with a friend. We had a great time and had planned on doing another one this year, but summer slipped by too quickly!
My answer: I had my first ever yard sale last summer with a friend. We had a great time and had planned on doing another one this year, but summer slipped by too quickly!
Do you want to be Hot Blog of The Week?
•Blog about Follow Us Monday Morning (leave direct link)
•Post the Follow Us Monday Morning button in your sidebar (leave link)
•Tweet about the Follow Us Monday Morning Blog Hop (leave link)
Thank you!
Oops, screwed up, I'm up there twice, sorry! (I have never had a garage sale...thought about it but never done it!)
We had a yard sale over Labor Day Weekend. We try to have one once a year, to clear out the clutter.
Thanks for stopping by Making Friends Monday a few weeks ago. I am now following you back. We would love to see you again!
- Leandrea
Had a yard sale with a friend a year ago in august and that was a the first one for me.
Thanks for stopping by Not So Perfect and following my blog :) I am now your newest follower :)
Hi, a newish follower participating in Follow us Monday Morning. I'll be stopping back by tomorrow to check out all your cool stuff. :)
Hi I am a new follower and love your blog. I have actually never had a yard sale>..hangs head in shame>.. LOL But I love shopping them.
please check me out at
I already am a follower of Being Frugal and making it work. Like many I'm a BB (beginner Blogger) I will try to repost this. I am just learning Mr. Linky.
I'm a BB. (beginning blogger) seeking GFC's.
My last yard sale was 5 years ago. I don't have them nearly as often as I should. The reason being, I live in a town with 70 people. There is another town with about 450 people up the road a ways. Yard sales here don't go over real well, for obvious reasons. Many Folks here take their stuff to our dump and what is "faily good" they leave to the side instead of throwing it in the pit. Others can help themselves. How is that for a frugal solution? I think it's pretty great but my husband doesn't let me go to the dump anymore with him. I have no idea why ;-)
~Laurie over at http://grandma-sez-so.blogspot.com/
Hi, I am a new follower. My last yard sale was three years ago - a girlfriend and I had a blast setting it up, and practically giving away our items. Yes, at the end of the day, we wanted to be done! You can find me at http://Back2Brooklyn.blogspot.com
Hi I think I got Mr. Linky figured out so I blogged about it and posted the button. Check it out. Gosh, I'm so proud of myself when I figure yet, ONE more thing out on posting and blogging. Yee-Haw. (I left my comment about yard sales up there. ^^^
New follower =) My question answer: The last time I had a yard sale was last summer a few people from the neighborhood had a day of it. Didn't make much money but it was a fun time =)
Thank you for visiting my blog. I am following you back.
Hi! I am a new follower via Monday blog hop. Please follow me back at http://frugalcouponingmommy3.blogspot.com/
Thanks for sponsoring the blog hop!!
Just wanted to stop by and say Hi! Already following!
Thanks for the blog hop, I'm already following you on gfc!
From Chalkboards to Strollers
thanks for following, following you back.
I think it's been about 4-5 years since I had a garage sale
I am your newest follower from Mom Blog Monday! Great Blog!
New follower - Thanks for co-hosting.
Come by and visit any time! :)
Carla aka Mrs. No-No
Hi, I just linked up and I'm a new follower! Have a wonderful day :)
Thanks for hosting! I am already a follower of yours. :-)
Have a great day!
Oh, I meant to tell you - I've never had a yard sale!
I have never had a yard sale.
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