Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hallmark Recordable Storybook Review

I recently commented on an article for the chance to review Hallmark holiday products. I was 1 of 24 lucky members selected to receive and review a Hallmark Recordable Storybook!

Gather asked: "Who would you like to give this product to and why?"

I didn't even have to think about an answer, I knew immediately! I wanted to be able to have my parents read (and record) this story for my children! By having my parents do this, my children will be able to hear the voices of their "Ma and Pa" for the rest of their lives. Creating a priceless and lifelong memory for them.


I received The Night Before Christmas recordable storybook. A holiday classic that I remember my parents reading to me as a child, every holiday season. The first thing I noticed was how sturdy the book was. Strong and made to last for many years to come.


The instructions are very clear, detailed and easy to follow. The collection of recordable storybooks are easy enough that anyone can create them. It's as easy as 1...2...3!
All you have to do is, Read...Save...Give!


Don't worry about messing up, you can re-record each page as many times as you need to. You "stop" after reading each page and listen to it each time. Making it easy to get it perfect. Once you are finished reading and recording the entire book, there is a "lock" feature ensuring that your story will be kept forever.

It's the perfect way to be there... ALWAYS!


Life is about making memories that are going to last a lifetime, it's very important. I have so many wonderful memories from my childhood, my parents made sure to make the most of every moment and every day that we spent together. Since becoming a parent myself, I've always strived to do the same.

Memories are priceless and in the end, that's all we will have to hold on to.


Hallmark recordable storybooks are the perfect way to create a lifelong memory for someone special! They are the perfect gift for all ages: grandparents, grandchildren, children away at college, family away in the military or even from you to your children at home.

You aren't limited to just Christmas, there is a recordable storybook perfect for every occasion from birthdays to baby showers.

There are 15 stories in the Hallmark recordable storybook collection:

  • The Night Before Christmas
  • Frosty the Snowman
  • The Very First Christmas
  • All the Ways I Love You
  • My Little Princess
  • Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
  • Bright and Beautiful
  • Guess How Much I Love You
  • Counting Kisses
  • On the Night You Were Born
  • I Love You, Grandma
  • My Grandpa and Me
  • We're Not Scared of Anything
  • Hey Diddle, Diddle
  • Thank You, God, For Everything

Hallmark Recordable Storybook: Read to loved ones even when you can’t be there. Preserve and play your voice – or Grandma’s, the little one’s, an aunt’s or a friend’s – reading favorite stories page-by-page for a family treasure that lasts forever.

** asked it's members to comment for the chance to review Hallmark holiday products. I received a Hallmark Recordable Storybook  for the purpose of a review. The views and opinions expressed are purely my own. Results may vary. I was not compensated in any other way for this review.


  1. Excellent review Bridget, and what a treasure for your children.

  2. I wish these had been a around before my daddy and grandmother had pasted away! I plan on getting two this year and have the boys grandmothers record thier voices. This way, when the boys loose their grandmothers they will always have their voices. You never realize how much you miss the voice of your loved ones until they are gone...

  3. Out Blog Hopping!! I am a new follower would Love for you to come follow me :-)

    Really like your blog!

  4. What a great idea! I'll have to get one of these for my son!


  5. I love this idea! I am stopping by from the window blog hop. I already follow your lovely blog! Have a great day!
