Monday, April 18, 2011

MyClyns Germ Protection Spray Review

Lets face it, germs are everywhere!  They are in the air and on everything we come into contact with.  As a mother, I've always been aware but not over the top when it comes to my children and germs.  Kids need to be able to play in the dirt, at playgrounds and in the fast food ball pits.

That being said, it's also important for parents and caregivers to be ready if an accident arises.  How many times have you been at the playground and your child ends up with a scraped knee, elbow or face?  How many times has your child brought you something in your hand that made you cringe at the sight?  How many times has your child (or another child) sneezed all over everyone close to them?

MyClyns Germ Protection Spray is the product that you have been looking for.  Portable, easy to use and safe for children as well as adults.  Perfect to keep in your purse, diaper bag or glove compartment in your vehicle.

MyClyns Germ Protection Spray is a revolutionary, non-alcohol spray that reduces more than 60 harmful pathogens by 99.99% and is safe for use in and around the eyes, nose, mouth or anywhere else on the body. Its germ-killing action sets a new standard for care and protection when you or your family are around sick people coughing and sneezing or in public locations where airborne germs are a concern.

MyClyns Germ Protection Spray will not burn or sting and is 100% safe to use anywhere, including eyes, nose and mouth.  Simply point and spray on the affected area for instant protection and results.

I am so happy to have found a product that is safe to use and one that doesn't make my children cry each time I use it. It's sad enough when they are crying because they are hurt and it only increases my sadness when the medication I use hurts them too.

MyClyns Germ Protection Spray sprays a cooling mist that actually helps soothe their ouchies and makes them feel better.  That in itself is an amazing thing!  No mess and no fuss.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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