Friday, May 13, 2011

UPDATE: Blogger Status

Blogger is back now, after being down for nearly 21 hours!. They are diligently working on restoring some of the data that was lost and that is still missing.
I had been working on a review/giveaway post yesterday just before Blogger went down.  I had already saved my draft and was just waiting until later in the day to upload photos, so my draft was 100% written.  Now, my draft is completely blank!  :(   I'm missing a couple other posts that had already been published and a blog button that I had recently added to my sidebar as well.
Hoping that everything will be restored quickly! :)
For more details on the Blogger status, see this post:


  1. I'm feeling rather annoyed at Blogger right now! I sure hope they restore my last two posts, and quick...

    Thanks for this update!

    Baby Talk without the Babble

  2. I also had an update and I needed to do it before my next trip to the lake. But, I couldn't. I almost considered moving my blog to a new blogging site. I don't think I've lost anything on my blog, though.

  3. Have you tried using Windows live writer to do your drafts and save them?
