Friday, August 12, 2011

OMG! My Blog was Removed!

Earlier this afternoon I had a BIG scare.  I was so freaked out and was instantly sick to my stomach!  After running errands for several hours I came home and went to update/post on my blog and what did I see?

Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

In addition, to make matters even worse... when I tried to log in to my Google account I got the following message:

We've detected unusual activity on your account. To immediately restore access to your account, choose how to verify your account.

I tried several times to verify before it FINALLY worked, it felt like an eternity!  As soon as the verification process went through my blog was back and all my content was there.

How did this happen?

I just got a new "smart" phone and was trying to get Gmail to work while we were out running errands today. It kept messing up and telling me that my password was wrong and/or that my account had changed.  It was after that and when I got home I noticed my blog GONE!

It must have had something to do with that!

YIKES!  What a Scare!

I can't fathom losing all that I have worked to hard on over the past 18 months.  After today I'm seriously considering switching my blog over to a hosting company.  The only problem is that I have NO IDEA how to go about doing it or where to go.

Will I lose my GFC, Facebook and Twitter followers in the move?

I'm hoping that you all can help me and point me in the right direction!

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