Thursday, August 11, 2011

ShaToBu Body Shaper: The Workout You Wear (Review‏)

As a wife, mother (and woman) it seems that I'm always concerned about how I look in my clothing.  Are my clothes to tight?  Are my love handles and muffin top showing more than usual?  No matter how much weight I've lost (23 pounds to date) or how often I work out, I'm still self-conscious of how I look and feel!

If only I had a little secret weapon that would help make me feel and look just a little bit better, especially in my dressy clothes!  Well... now there is and it's called ShaTobu!

The ShaToBu is the perfect body shaper because it helps you SHAPE, TONE and BURN all day long.  It comes in a variety of styles in both black and nude color choices.  I had the pleasure of trying the ShāToBu - High Waist to Knee Shaper in nude and I couldn't be happier! 

I've had two c-sections so my mid section and love handles are a little larger and jiggly that I would like them to be.  I wouldn't trade my two beautiful children for anything in the world and that includes a toned, flat stomach.  My children are worth every jiggle, pooch and stretch mark.

However... If I can have just a little bit of help I'm going to take it and smile!  I won't take that help from a miracle pill but I'll gladly accept the help of the ShaToBu!  It gives me just enough firming support to make me feel great in those clothes that are a little form fitting and fancy.  Hubby likes it too!

What is your beauty secret?

What is ShaToBu?

ShaToBu - The Workout You Wear - is the revolutionary shaper that helps women shape, tone and burn more calories during everyday activities.

Independent scientific studies from the University of Virginia show that women who wear ShaToBu during daily activities burn UP TO 12% MORE calories during daily activities like walking or climbing stairs.

With the modern woman's hectic schedule it can be hard to find time to get to the gym, but with ShaToBu, women can fit a workout into their daily routine while enjoying a more shapely silhouette!

The benefits go beyond ordinary shapewear - ShaToBu instantly gives a sleeker silhouette, but women can also see and feel a difference in their bodies with regular use over time. By incorporating resistance bands right into the garment, muscles work a little harder and more calories are burned during daily activities.

ShaToBu helps women fit a workout into their normal day, while looking and feeling great.

**I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will be a good fit for my readers. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Results may vary. I was not compensated in any other way for this review. The generous sponsor of this giveaway will mail the prize directly to the winner.

A special thanks to ShaToBu Shapewear for this wonderful opportunity!

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