Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Apple iPad 2 - Which to Choose

The elementary school my children attend is having its first ever Fall Festival later this month.  As a fundraiser, they are having a raffle and offering an Apple iPad 2 as one of the prizes.  Starting at $500, it's hard to know which iPad 2 to choose and which would be best for your family.

Personally, I've been shopping around and think it's best to find an iPad 2 sale in order to save money and maximize my resources.  It really does pay to shop around and could mean saving a bundle! Purchasing an iPad is a big investment and one that should be researched in order for you to get the most for your money.

I would love to have an Apple iPad 2 for traveling, as it would be so much easier than carrying around my laptop and all its accessories.  It's crazy to think that now laptops are considered bulky and inconvenient when several years ago they were the latest and greatest craze!  Times sure do change quickly. I wonder what we will be surfing the internet on ten years from now.

Do you have an iPad 2?  What do you like most about it?  Is there anything you don't like about it or that you would change?

**Brought to you by your friends at CanadaPost. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Results may vary.

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