Saturday, November 26, 2011

ATTN: My Blog Spark Members

I just went to submit my winners information and the winners submission link isn't in my Sparks. YIKES!  When I submitted my blog post link a few weeks ago, all of the information was there and now NOTHING is there!  

Does the information "expire?"  If so, I had no idea!
Has anyone else experienced this? 
(I've sent them an e-mail but don't expect a reply until Monday)


  1. I think they are having some sort of vacation bug:)

    I just went to check my account, and about 1 - 2 weeks ago, I agreed to participate in a new promotion, and now I cannot find any information there.

    I'm sure it will all get back to normal soon.

  2. Thanks SO much, JR!

    That makes me feel much better!
