Monday, December 19, 2011

Losing Weight The Right Way - One Pound at a Time!

On September 8th, my friend and I joined Curves together. We both wanted to lose weight, but more importantly get fit. We are both pretty active but we just needed something more in our daily routine, possible even an Extreme Body Workout. After all, we aren't getting any younger.

Our original goal was to go 3x a week. Well, we have been going 4x a week and we are having a blast. It's something we actually look forward to doing each morning. I drop the kids off at school and head straight to workout.

If you are familiar with Curves, you will know that we get weighed and measured every month. So, this Thursday was our day to weigh-in and get measured. It might be hard to believe but I was actually looking forward to this weigh-in. I had already noticed that my clothes were fitting differently. Shorts and pants that I bought in August, that fit a bit snug but I didn't want to buy a bigger size, were actually loose. As a matter of fact, I had to wear a belt with one pair!

I'm EXCITED to announce that my hard work paid off this month! I lost 5 pounds, 4 inches and 1.3% body fat.  My weight loss goal for the next weigh-in is another 5 pounds.  In fact, to help me reach that goal a little faster I'm also looking to add a new routine to my schedule and take a 90 Day Review into consideration! 

**This is a guest post provided by Fitness Alliance.

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