Sunday, January 29, 2012

Follow Us Monday Morning Google Plus Blog Hop - January 30

I've had a wonderful weekend with my family and am looking forward to a great week.  We have a wrestling tournament, basketball game and gymnastics to attend.  Plus, there is no school on Friday and I'm looking forward to a three day weekend!

Welcome to another edition of The Follow Us Monday Morning Google Plus Blog Hop.  Google Plus takes social networking to a new level, it's also the newest way to promote your blog.  

The Follow Us Monday Morning Google Plus Blog Hop is co-hosted by JR from Frugality is Free.

Google Plus is the new social network, which is rapidly expanding on the social networking scene, and it is a great way for bloggers to promote their blog posts. 

You can use Google Plus to organize your online contacts into separate groups such as blogging, friends, family, work etc., which means you can choose who you want to share what with. You can upload photos and videos, have video chat meetings and just chat with your friends! Sign up and read more about Google Plus here.

As with all social networks, the more Google Plus friends you have, the more you will get out it, and the more traffic you will get to your blog.

Join Us

Add Us To Your Google Plus Circles:

Cheeky Momma

The Follow Us Monday Morning Google Plus Hop will not have a featured blogger, and you are not required to do anything to participate other than adding other participants with whom you have common interests to your Google Plus circles. (Let them know that you came from the Follow Us Monday Morning Google Plus Hop, so that they can follow you back.)

How many people are in your Google Plus Circles?

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