Saturday, July 14, 2012

What Moms Say vs. What Kids Hear

How many times have you told/asked your kids to do something, only to have them do the complete opposite?


  1. They are definitely on to something

  2. Funny! I am actually trying really hard to just state what I need instead of adding all the extras in...we'll see....I'll have to wait until they are older to turn the tables on them..."mom, may I borrow your car?" vs "Mom, can you please wear your most embarassign outfit and pick me up at school by honking the horn?"

  3. LOL too true. When my son was younger he hid behind racks in Penney's. Panicked because he was quiet and finally came out. Was scary though!

  4. Great post, so funny and true!!! love the one that you want kid to hurry up and kid hears to keep talking about their :)

  5. Hilarious! I swear my kids have read these...
