Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas from Our House to Yours!

I'm still having a hard time accepting the fact that it's already Christmas, I still can't believe that the year is already nearly over. This week is Christmas and next week it's a New Year!  Where did 2012 go?

My "baby" is going to be turning 9 years old in January. Another year, another birthday, another big change that this Mommy isn't ready for.  I know that there is nothing I can do to stop by babies from growing up. Nothing I can do to keep them small. All I can do is enjoy each new day, milestone and accomplishment we encounter and experience together.

My "baby" LOVES to draw. She drew this Santa picture on her whiteboard and I just had to share with all of you all in time for Christmas. Complete with Santa, his sleigh, reindeer, presents and Rudolph, they are even flying over a house!

 Merry Christmas from my Family to Yours!!

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