Sunday, December 30, 2012

Target 70 Percent Off Christmas Clearance - It's Finally Here!

I've made a trip to Target every morning for the past 4 days hoping to find their Christmas clearance at 70% off.  When I woke up this morning, I really didn't feel like making another trip into town - but I knew that if I didn't go check that I would kick myself for it later.

As I turned the last corner towards the Christmas clearance, I was thrilled when I saw the Target 70 percent off Christmas clearance signs on all the shelves.   I immediately headed towards the musical snow globes, and started filling my cart!

By the time I left, my cart was filled to the top with a magical variety of Christmas clearance items including candy, cookie mixes, socks, hats, and even a new artificial tree our school's giving tree program.

I have to sort all my goodies out and take a photo, then I'll be sharing another post with my great finds and exactly how much I saved! 
Did you check out your local Target Christmas clearance sale today?


  1. I ask for Target GC for the sole purpose of this great clearance after Christmas!!! =)

  2. A very useful article,I need to bookmark it!
