Sunday, January 20, 2013

Baby Shower Giveaways

If you are expecting a baby, have a newborn, or if you know you will be attending a baby shower in the near future, entering baby shower giveaways is a great way to get an amazing baby shower gifts for free. Right now one of my favorite giveaway blogs, Frugality is Free is having a baby shower gifts giveaway extravaganza, and there are tons of great baby product reviews and giveaways.

Take a look at this great list of baby shower giveaways:

Have you won any great giveaways lately?


  1. I never thought about that before. What a great idea to enter to win some things for shower gifts!

  2. She has some great giveaways going on right now!

  3. Great idea! I have never thought about trying to win the gifts! I love that blog, too!

  4. I too love her site and giveaways!! Yes I'm totally going to plug my own baby shower giveaway!! I'm giving away a GC to eDiaperCakes for a diaper cake center piece!! They are adorable!!

  5. Thanks for sharing the baby gift guide giveaways Bridget, I sure hope you win some goodies for your nephew.

    The baby is not even here yet, so there will be lots of great baby giveaways coming up in the next month.
