Monday, February 25, 2013

A New Stage in my Weight Loss Journey has Begun!

Today is the beginning of a new stage in my weight loss journey.  In recent weeks the number on the scale hasn't moved, but I have noticed that my clothes are getting loose in certain areas.  I know that getting fit and losing weight isn't only about the number on the scale, but also about the way you feel and what you have been able to accomplish in the process.

My new Smooth Fitness treadmill has arrived and I'm hopeful that by switching up my morning exercise routine that the number on the scale will start to drop again!  These last 10 pounds don't seem to want to come off - but I confident that I am going to win this battle!

How do you mix-up your exercise routine? 

Smooth Fitness 7.35 Treadmill Review
I was selected to participate in the #SmoothBlogger Program and received a treadmill in exchange for my participation. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will be a good fit for my readers.    

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Results may vary. No monetary compensation was received.


  1. That's a pretty nice looking treadmill. I just got rid of the one that we've had for years because we never used it. Now I do like the one at the gym.. built in TV so I can watch whatever I want uninterrupted!

  2. Changing the music up is a fun way to throw some variety into it. Good luck!

  3. I really like the look of that treadmill, I want one so badly but we currently live in an apartment. The upstairs apartment. Sigh, it will have to wait.

  4. I like to mix up running and walking. Sometimes I'll do both in the same workout other times I'll only walk and then sometimes I'll only run. It looks like a great treadmill. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!

    Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired

  5. Nice!! I try to use the elliptical a couple times a week at the gym. I sometimes switch it up with a treadmill. Looks like you have a great one!

  6. What a great motivation! I think the key to mixing it up is between cardio and strength, like adding in weights as well.

  7. Keep at it! :) That is a gorgeous treadmill and great motivation to be using it. I have one and will be starting back on a training program once I have this baby.

  8. I have two different music playlists that I use. One for M/W/F and the other for T/Th/Sat. Good luck with the treadmill. It looks awesome.
