Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Crystal Light Liquid - Delicious Zero Calorie Drink Mixes

When I began my weight loss journey last July, I made the choice to stop drinking my calories.  So many of my favorite drinks contained insane amounts of empty calories.  I knew that by making better food and drink choices, the healthier I would be.

New Crystal Light Liquid drink mixes free you from making the difficult choice between taste or calories!  With a delicious medley of delectable flavors, Crystal Light drink mixes shake up the idea of “diet drinks” and introduce you to a lighter way to live.

 I recently had the pleasure of trying the Mango Passionfruit and Strawberry Lemonade varieties of the new Crystal Light liquid.  

Both flavors were equally delicious, and I honestly can't choose a favoriteI'd love to try all of the other varieties as well, I think I'll pick up Blueberry Raspberry on my next shopping trip.

There are a few reasons why I love Crystal Light liquid drink mixes:

1.  Zero Calories
2. Sugar Free
3.  Delicious Flavors  
4.  Convenience 
5.  Affordable

It's easy to create the perfect drink with just the right amount of flavor.  Whether at home or on the go, you're going to love it.  Just flip open the top and give it a squeeze!
Mellow: Squeeze a little
Balanced: Squeeze a full drop
Bold: Squeeze a little more
Crystal Light liquid is available in 6 delicious varieties:

  • Pomtini
  • Iced Tea
  • Peach Bellini
  •  Mango Passionfruit
  • Blueberry Raspberry
  • Strawberry Lemonade
Have you tried the NEW Crystal Light liquid zero calorie drink mixes?

Disclaimer: I received complimentary Crystal Light liquid zero calorie drink mixes for the purpose of writing a review and hosting a giveaway.  Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will be a good fit for my readers.  The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.  Results may vary. No monetary compensation was received.


  1. Are these the ones on The Apprentice? I wanna try the Peach Bellini and Mango Passionfruit flavors!

  2. I always like Crystal Light and this makes it even more convenient to enjoy. I can't wait to try all of these flavors!

    Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired

  3. @Liz,

    YES, these are the ones on The Apprentice! :)

  4. Looks easy to use! Gotta love that!

  5. I've seen these. I don't like diet drinks, but my mom would have loved these. She always had crystal light on the kitchen counter.

  6. These look great! I'd love to try the strawberry lemonade! Mmm!

  7. Yum! I love how easy it is to make Crystal Light!

  8. Yum! I want to try the Mango Passion Fruit first. Always a fun way to dress up water without added calories.
