Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My 4 Month Smooth Fitness Treadmill Journey

I'm still a little blown away by the fact that it has already been four months since my Smooth Fitness treadmill arrived and my journey began.  Having this wonderful award winning piece of home exercise equipment readily accessible each and every single day has taken my fitness journey to an entirely new level.

Before becoming a Smooth Fitness Ambassador, exercise was something that I thought about often but rarely executed and put into action.  More often than not I would come up with some excuse, or simply put it off until tomorrow... and we all know that more often that not, tomorrow keeps getting put off!  Am I right?

The day that my treadmill arrived, I made a promise and a commitment to myself to use it 3-4 days a week without question.  No more excuses!  In less that a week, I could see and feel the difference.  I had more energy, I felt better, I was in a better mood, and I was sleeping better at night.

I will admit that during that first week I had asked myself what I was thinking, what I got myself into and wondered if it was worth it.  Even thought I finished, my first fitness test results were horrific, but that only made me want to do better.  I worked hard (both on the treadmill and by participating in a few fun runs with my children), and the last time I completed the fitness test my results had improved greatly!  

I went from not being able to run around the block to being able to run an entire mile!  Something that I never thought could have been possible, and I would have called you a liar if you had told me otherwise!  Now I know that I can and I am actually proud of myself and how far I have come.

In the past 10 months I have learned so much about myself and have accomplished so many things that I never thought were possible.  I honestly didn't think that I could do it, any of it.  I lost 56 pounds, can run an entire mile and can fit in all of the rides at our local amusement park.  It is such an amazing feeling!

Exercise isn't just about losing weight, it is about being fit, active and leading healthier life.  Exercise is no longer a chore and something that I avoid, it is my way of life and something that I look forward to!

If you are considering purchasing a new treadmill, exercise bike, home gym or elliptical machine for your family, I highly recommend checking out the great line of home fitness exercise equipment available from Smooth Fitness.

I can tell you that working out (and sweating) in the privacy of your own home is much more enjoyable and affordable than working out in a public gym or health club.

I can't begin to thank Smooth Fitness enough for having me as one of their lucky brand ambassadors this quarter.  You can read about my Smooth Fitness experience as well as my weight loss journey!

Where do you prefer to exercise or workout?

Smooth Fitness 7.35 Treadmill Review
I was selected to participate in the #SmoothBlogger Program and received a treadmill in exchange for my participation. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will be a good fit for my readers.

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Results may vary.  No monetary compensation was received.
Just remember... You don't have to be great to start, and no matter how slow - you are still lapping everyone sitting on the couch!  All it takes is one step, the first step!


  1. Congratulations! That's wonderful that you stuck with it and have seen such great results through the weight loss, better sleep, and energy level. I need to get into a regular fitness schedule so I can up my energy and improve my sleep too.

    Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired

  2. WOW, congrats on staying consistent and the weight loss!

  3. Look at you! You look amazing! It's tough to set aside time every day, but having a treadmill at home makes it so much easier!

  4. You look great! It would be nice to have a treadmill for these hotter months.

  5. Has it been four months already?? You look great!!

  6. You're inspiring. And that treadmill is pretty awesome.

  7. It's definitely quite obvious that you're changing! Congrats!

  8. After looking at your post last night, I forgot to post because you motivated me to go for a walk.
    I have to get this!

  9. You look so great! I agree, I liking working out at home so much better than in front of anyone.

  10. Wow! You look amazing! Having a treadmill would be SO wonderful during the hot summers here in AZ!
