Monday, July 1, 2013

NoMoreRack Deals: Save 50-80% Off Retail + Get $10 Off Your First Order!

If you have followed Being Frugal and Making it Work for any time at all, you know that I love getting great deals on every purchase I make.  Whether I'm shopping inside the store itself or online, I'm looking for great bargains!  My newest addiction in online shopping is Nomorerack!

I fell in love with Nomorerack about a month ago, the deals are simply amazing! They offer such a wide variety too - clothing for the entire family, shoes, jewelry, household items, electronics and so much more!  You're only dilemma is going to be knowing when to stop adding items to your shopping cart!

I ordered 4 super cute summer dresses for just $29 shipped!  I was able to score free shipping because of their recent 3-day event.  However, shipping is only $2 per item, so still very affordable!  When my daughter saw them, she loved them and asked if she could have one too...  Yes, we are wearing the same size dresses in the picture below!

Nomorerack is the online shopping destination for those who want quality brand named apparel and accessories for 50-80% off retail!  They carry a variety of incredible products with super low prices!

Use this link to receive $10 off your first purchase

Have you ever placed an order with NoMoreRack?

Disclaimer:  I wasn't asked to share my opinion of Nomorerack, I'm just sharing because I love their great deals and it's the perfect fit for my blog!  No monetary compensation was received.  


  1. I haven't tried them yet. I've heard of this name but hadn't investigated. I'll have to look closer!

  2. I haven't heard of them either. I'll have to check it out and see what it is all about.

  3. I keep seeing them pop up in my facebook feed, but I haven't gone yet - clicking over now!

  4. I love a good deal and will have to check this out. Thanks!

  5. I haven't heard of them, but the prices sure seem reasonable. I just love the photo of you and your daughter, wow she is growing up right in front of us.

  6. I haven't tried that site yet but it sure sounds intriguing!
