When I started blogging, I was simply using it as an outlet to share things that were happening in my life. I was blogging about my family (especially my children), our summer vacations, how my kids were doing in school, and other everyday life events. In a nutshell, it was my personal online diary that I was openly sharing with others.
Then I began sharing my love of clearance shopping, coupons, and frugal deals to help make my family's budget stretch as far as I possibly could. As it progressed into more, it was comforting knowing that I was helping others to make their own lives just a little more frugal and rewarding.
Being frugal and crafty is how I help make ends meet and contribute to my family. I earn money through blogging, social networking, pay to earn sites as well as contests and giveaways. All of these "extras" have really helped our family over the years - by providing great gifts for family and friends and extra activities for my family.
My frugal ways of online earnings have paid for our summer vacations the past four years, and I'm currently saving for our fifth. It doesn't get much better than a totally free vacation. My blog is my way of keeping grounded and sharing what I do with all of you!
Creating and running a blog is fun and rewarding. Best of all, you can create a blog for free!
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wow that's really cool I'll have to look into that.
Really like your blog! Just found this!
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