Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Green Coffee Bean Extract - "The Magic Weight Loss Cure For Every Body Type!"

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

If you're trying to lose weight, get healthier or simply trying to maintain your current weight... chances are that you've heard about a variety of diet and weight loss supplements.  Although there are no "magic diet pills" out there,  green tea, hCG, African mango, and raspberry ketones seem to be among the most popular.  

Do they really work?  Honestly, I think it depends on each individual.

With so many weight loss supplements available, it's difficult to know which ones actually work and those that are safe.   Green tea and green coffee coffee extract help boost your metabolism and curb your appetite which in return helps you lose weight!

"Referred to by Dr. Oz as, “The Magic Weight Loss Cure For Every Body Type,” green coffee bean extract has been clinically proven to help people lose weight. Subjects in a recent study lost an average of 17lbs."

"Unlike other brands, NutriSpring Green Coffee Bean Extract 800 includes the right dosage of high quality ingredients to make this the most effective weight loss supplements on the market.  The product is 100% All-Natural, using only pure green coffee bean extract, and comes in a veggie cap form. Each capsule contains 800mg of green coffee bean extract, with no binders, fillers or additives.

Most importantly, because the product uses GCA as it's main ingredients, NutriSpring Green Coffee Bean Extract 800 includes 50% chlorgenic acid -- the key fat burning ingredient. This is also the same ingredient used in the recent study published by the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity (and cited by Dr. Oz), where subjects lost an average of nearly 18 lbs without any significant changes to their diet.

This is a high quality product made from pure, all natural ingredients, and offers a great value to health concious individuals and those looking to lose weight."
NutriSpring Green Coffee Bean Extract - All Natural Weight Loss Supplement

Q: How Does it Work?
They key ingredient is not caffeine, but rather a very important naturally active compound called chlorogenic acid, which...

- Naturally Inhibits Fat-Producing Glucose
- Slows the Absorption of Fat from Food Intake
- Boosts the Metabolism or the "Burning" of Extra Fat

I lost 60 pounds last year and have been struggling to lose those last few pounds... you know how it goes - the dreaded weight loss plateau.  I started using NutriSpring green coffee bean extract about three weeks ago, and while I haven't seen any weight loss, I have noticed that I don't seem to be hungry as often and I don't "crave" anything. 

Maybe it's simply mind over matter, but it is encouraging to know that it might be working for me and just might kick my body into weight loss mode and help me lose these last 10 pesky pounds that I've been trying to lose for the past 6 months. 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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