Sunday, December 1, 2013

Zeenie Dollz - Eco-Friendly Doll Series (Review)

As a parent, I try to teach my children all of the important things in life and how they can make a difference!  My children love to help others, give back, and make a difference in our community.  They are both passionate about helping those in need, helping animals in shelters, and making our world a better place by picking up trash and recycling.

Zeenie Dollz are a brand new eco-friendly doll series just for girls! These dolls are fashionable and bring an educational twist to every day play!  Each doll possesses a secret identity and unique eco-power to save and protect the environment.  Each doll also comes with an adorable pet of her very own.

My almost 10 year old daughter is very kind-hearted and would adopt every homeless animal on the planet if it were within her grasp.  She loves animals and simply doesn't understand why anyone would want to harm them.  Dogs, cats, horses, and dolphins are among her favorites.

Zeenie Dollz are fun, colorful, durable, and support such a wonderful cause.  Once you take a look at them you can't help but love them and everything they stand for!  I love the fact that Zeenie Dollz are appropriate for girls of all ages and that their clothing is cute, fashionable and modest!  


Zennia, the special edition doll in the series, leads the pack and embodies Mother Earth, the protector of our planet. As the giver and sustainer of life on earth, Zennia is passionate about combating the evil anti-environment villains that threaten to destroy the world. 

To assist her in protecting our environment and spreading eco-awareness, Zennia is joined by a team of five eco-warrior fashionistas:
  • Evee: Protector of the Skies and Defender against Pollution 
  • Kazumi: Protector of the Polar Regions and Defender against Global Warming 
  • Lina: Protector of the Rainforest and Defender against Deforestation 
  • Sini: Protector of Farmland and Defender of Mistreated and Abused Animals 
  • Yana: Protector of the Oceans and Defender of Marine Conservation

Zeenie Dollz is a series of eco-friendly, eco-warrior fashionista dolls that combine style and education into one perfect package. The 12-inch dolls are are made of a combination of two completely recyclable, non-toxic materials and bring to light environmental causes that need our attention. Each doll is available for purchase at for $39.99.

A percentage of every sale will be donated to organizations working to preserve the environment and protect all animals and the places they call home.  "Saving the planet… that’s our style!"

For more information about the new series, visit or follow Zeenie Dollz on Facebook at or on Twitter at

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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