TGIF! Day 21 in the #LoveMe Challenge is to share something that I'm proud of! When I think of the things that I'm proud of, the first thing that I think of are my children. Without a doubt... I am super proud of both of them!

I am proud of the young people (ages 10 and 13) that they have become. They are both smart, respectful, and helpful. They get great grades (straight A's) and perfect attendance. They take pride in what they do and they do it well. They are great friends to their classmates, respectful and helpful to others - including adults, and they make me smile EVERY single day!
I love being their mom and am so proud of them!
What is the #LoveMe Challenge?
The #LoveMe is a challenge to love yourself. Everyday there will be a prompt for you to look at yourself, embrace who you are, and hopefully help you learn that you are beautiful, you are amazing and you need to love who you are!
How do you participate in the #LoveMe Challenge?
Everyday during the month of February, there will be a different prompt. You can share an instagram, a tweet, a blog or a video that was inspired by that prompt. Just make sure if when you share add the hashtag #LoveMe.
The #LoveMe Challenge originated over at Pepper Scraps, to learn more and join us - be sure to check it out! By joining the #LoveMe Challenge today, you can learn more about yourself by sharing with others.
What are you proud of?
They definitely sound like kids to be proud of! Cuties. :)
What a wonderful thing to be proud of; so many kids are not as responsible and kind as you describe yours to be. It's a testament to the kind of parenting they've received. :)
If your kids are respectful, you did a good job!
That's wonderful! :) I'm proud of how kind and hard-working my children are.
I'm proud that despite her autism my daughter is a pretty happy kid without any major behavioral issues.
Sounds like you did a great job! My son has some issues with attitude but he's 13..
Aw this is great. Sounds like you are a great momma! I hope if we have kids one day I can do a good job like you!
Nothing better than respectful children, great job!!
This is a great challenge and you are right to be proud of your kids, I love the photo by the way.
I think we had the same thing this day!
You definitely should be proud of them! You're doing a great job!
You're doing an amazing job!
This challenge looks like it was so much fun! I wish I had participated!
keep up the great work. Glad to see you are sticking with this, seems like a great way to remind yourself to be happy. Today I am happy for my middle child, who has special needs, was happy all day for he most part. He laughed, smiled and I even got a picture with him in it smiling for the first time in ages!
I can see why you would be proud of them. I LOVE this photo!!!
What great kids you have, sounds like you definitely have many reasons to be proud of them.
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