I received compensation in the form of a Babies R' Us gift card from P&G in exchange for this post. All my opinions are my own.

Newborns don't come with an instruction manual, or book of tips that work and don't work. Would I be able to handle all of the situations that would arise? I quickly learned that a method that worked one day might not work the next, and that motherhood was all about learning.
Motherhood also comes with a lifetime of #MilestoneMoments! From baby's first smile, their first time sleeping through the night, rolling over, crawling, their first word, walking, their first birthday, their first day of school, their first loose tooth, and the list goes on.
Every mom quickly realizes the importance of a reliable diaper. There's nothing more frustrating that having a "blow out" in the car seat, shopping cart, crib, or even at the park. it's a messy job, but it doesn't have to be.