I received compensation in the form of a Babies R' Us gift card from P&G in exchange for this post. All my opinions are my own.

Newborns don't come with an instruction manual, or book of tips that work and don't work. Would I be able to handle all of the situations that would arise? I quickly learned that a method that worked one day might not work the next, and that motherhood was all about learning.
Motherhood also comes with a lifetime of #MilestoneMoments! From baby's first smile, their first time sleeping through the night, rolling over, crawling, their first word, walking, their first birthday, their first day of school, their first loose tooth, and the list goes on.
Every mom quickly realizes the importance of a reliable diaper. There's nothing more frustrating that having a "blow out" in the car seat, shopping cart, crib, or even at the park. it's a messy job, but it doesn't have to be.

Pampers Swaddlers Available Up To Size 5 At Toys R Us and Babies R Us:
- With up to 12 hours of overnight protection, Swaddlers help you make your baby as comfortable as possible.
- Swaddlers color-changing wetness indicator makes it easy for you to tell when your baby might be ready for a change. This will be especially helpful in the middle of the night when you can barely keep your eyes open.
- Swaddlers give your baby comfort and protection they’ll love for even longer.
- Swaddlers Super Economy Pack and Economy Plus Pack are now available (online only)
Here are a few things I wish I would have known before becoming a mommy:
- Almost everything in your life will change - for the better! Being a mom is an adventure and experience that has made me a better person.
- Patience is the key! When you get to the point of exhaustion, and you will, take a few moments for you! Lock yourself in the bedroom or the bathroom and just breathe.
- You’ll never be fully prepared! Just take things one day at a time, do your best, and roll with the punches.
- You will encounter people who don’t approve of or agree with your parenting choices! Trust me, everyone you know is going to have advice for you and what you "should" and shouldn't do with you baby. Family, friends, and even strangers will be offering up their tips and tricks, some of them when you don't even ask. My best piece of advice is to say, thank you with a smile and do what works for you!
What has been your favorite #MilestoneMoments since becoming a mom?

Win It
One of Being Frugal and Making It Work’s Readers will win a
Toys”R”Us Prize Pack
- $150 gift card Toys “R” Us gift card
- Pampers Wipes (64 count)
This giveaway will end August 22nd at Midnight EST.
*Mandatory entry must be completed before other entries will count*
The giveaway is open to US residents only, 18 years old or older. The winner will be chosen at random via Rafflecopter, and the winner will be notified by e-mail. Make sure to leave your e-mail, or have your contact available on your blogger profile. The winner will have 48 hours to respond, and if there is no response another winner will be chosen.
The giveaway is open to US residents only, 18 years old or older. The winner will be chosen at random via Rafflecopter, and the winner will be notified by e-mail. Make sure to leave your e-mail, or have your contact available on your blogger profile. The winner will have 48 hours to respond, and if there is no response another winner will be chosen.
Disclaimer: The Being Frugal and Making it Work family received a complimentary Babies R' Us gift card from P&G for
the purpose of writing a review and hosting a #MilestoneMoments giveaway. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I would use personally and/or believe will be a good fit for my readers. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are based purely by our own experiences. No monetary compensation was
received. Results may vary.

I would most like to try the Pampers Swaddlers Newborn Sensitive Diapers Super Pack - 80 Count
I would love to try the Pampers Swaddlers Size 3 Sensitive Diapers Super Economy Pack - 128 Count.
My favorite #MilestoneMoments is when they make their first real smile at you, to me it just melts my heart.
Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive Diaper Registry Tote would be nice to have. jj250@aol.com
I would LOVE to try the Pampers Lil Splashers!
My favorite #milestonemoment was watching my husband hold both his daughters for the very first time!
pampers little splashers work great for the pool- i'm going with those!
My favorite product is the Pampers Cruisers. The swaddlers are great, too!
My most cherished #MilestoneMoments are when my children have taken their first steps. Those were memorable.
I would like to try out the pampers cruisers for my daughter.
My kids are a little too old fior diapers, but we still LOVE to keep wipes on hand at home for quick clean ups. I'd like to try the Pampers Natural Clean Wipes.
I like the Pampers Swaddlers. The quality on them is great and we find them very useful.
I would get the Pampers Swaddlers for my baby. They have the best leak protection.
I would like to try the Pampers Kandoo Sensitive Wipes - for my toddler. We use cloth diapers.
I like Pampers products and like to try Pampers Natural Clean Wipes.
Best mommy tip is to breastfeed baby wear and Co sleep. Your baby want and needs to be with you. Not in some foreign device.
I would want to try the natural wipes
We need the Little splashes for sure.
I want to try the Pampers Swaddlers. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
I would love to try the pampers cruisers cause I have 2 busy toddlers and they sound like they do a great job.
I would really like to try the Pampers Natural Clean Wipes. They would be gentle on my baby's sensitive skin and I love that they are unscented.
My favorite #MilestoneMoments memory of my baby, is the first time they recognized the fun and joy of there very first bubble bath.
I'd like to try the Pampers Cruisers Size 3 Diapers Economy Plus Pack
My favorite #MilestoneMoments would have to be the very first time Toby smiled at me. It was amazing!
We are huge fans of the Pampers Swaddlers. They are just so much softer than the other brands and always have adorable patterns!
I would be interested in trying the Pampers Swaddlers Newborn diapers! : )
I think the Pampers Cruisers would be good because they are designed to move with the child to prevent leaks, which is always a plus.
I think I've tried all the Pampers products, but would love to pick up some Lil splashers for summer. And I love their sensitive baby wipes.
My best mommy tip is that more is caught than taught with kids. How you deal with frustration is how they will deal with frustration. If you yell, they will. It is easier to model good behavior than to "teach" it. #MilestoneMoments
I'd love to try the pampers natural clean wipes
I'd like to try the Pampers Splashers. We've been using Pampers Swaddlers since my son was born.
I would love to try the pampers cruisers, for the extra protection needed for the baby on the go!
Entered the rafflecopter form as "Wild Orchid"
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I would like to try the Pampers Swaddlers Size 3 Sensitive Diapers Super Economy Pack - 128 ct.
I would like to try the Pampers Sensitive Wipes 3x Travel Pack
i'd really like to try their natural clean wipes. it's important to me to use products with more natural /sensitive ingredients. i would have to read the ingredient list first, however.
The Pampers product that I would like to try the most is the Pampers Natural Clean Wipes.
I would most like to try the Pampers Sensitive Wipes and see how they do on my grandson's sensitive skin.
My favorite #MilestoneMoments is when baby starts to learn to crawl! It's so fun watching them start to explore their world!
Trying to win this for my niece who just had her first baby. I don't know much about diapers, except how to change them. She would probably buy the Baby Dry diapers.
I would like to try the Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive Diapers. All my kids have had very sensitive skin since birth.
My favorite #MilestoneMoments is when your baby looks at you and recognizes you. I think that moment is just amazing!
I would like to try the
Pampers Extra Protection Size 3 Diapers to ensure no leakage at nights.
I would like to try the pampers swaddlers since im due with my 1st baby in november!
I think i've pretty much tried all the Pampers products so far! We used the newborn size Swaddlers but maybe would like to try the size 5 Swaddlers for our older baby too
I have tried and absolutely love Pamapers Swaddlers diapers as well as the Cruisers diapers! They really seem to hold up well and no leaks as of yet! :)
My favorite #MilestoneMoment is hearing their first word. It's really special to hear their voice for the very first time.
The Pampers product I'd like the most is the Pampers Natural Clean Wipes since wipes are always crucial and natural is definitely the way to go.
My daughter is expecting her first child soon and I would love to send her a couple packages of the newborn swaddlers.
My best tip is to remember you are not always going to be this tired. Also get a calendar and mark a day each week for a year to take a picture of your baby. They grow so fast that first year.
I like to try the Pampers Extra Protection Size 4 Diapers Super Pack.
I would like to try the Pampers Extra Protection Size 4 Diapers Super Pack - 74 Count
By: Procter & Gamble
I enjoyed the first smiles and would tip to take lots of pictures of your little one in every stage. They enjoy looking at pictures of themselves as they get older.
We already love Pampers diapers, but the whole family can use Pampers Natural Clean Wipes!
The best advice I have comes from Proverbs: "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."
vs. 22:6
Now that I'm a grandmother, I hope my daughter will pray, prioritize, plan, and play.
I would like to try the pampers swaddlers from Toys R Us. I think these would be great for my kid.
I would like to try the Pampers Easy Ups in conjunction with the Kandoos for potty training!
I can't pick a favorite #milestonemoment because I love them all. I think I can say though, that the first laugh is like no other.
I don't know if I can pick a favorite #milestonemoment but if I had to, the first laugh is truly amazing
I would most like to try the Pampers Natural Clean Wipes because they are hypoallergenic, unscented and made with a touch of aloe in every wipe!
My best mommy tip is to have patience and try to have a good sense of humor. I never would've gotten through my daughter's first few years without laughing at her, myself, or the situation we were in. lol
Oh I would love to try the Pampers Splashers! We have been using a different brand, and they just have not worked really well. We have a pool and swim often, so I would love to try these!
I tell new moms to sleep when the baby sleeps. It is ok if the house isn't clean all the time. jj250@aol.com
Soak in all the little moments... put away your iphone and stop taking pictures. It's great to capture memories once in awhile but we need to detach from technology to really bond
I like Pampers Cruisers because that's the size I need.
I'd Like To Try The Pampers Natural Clean Wipes!
Entry Name-Heather Hayes Panjon
Pampers is the only diaper I have ever used. I like the Pampers Natural Clean Wipes 3x Travel Pack - 192 Count.
The pampers swaddlers and the pampers natural clean wipes!! I live by pampers so I wouldnt say "try"because ive tried and love pretty much all their products
Movalbabysitter at gmail.com
I would like to try the Pampers Extra Protection Size 4 Diapers Super Pack
I would like to try the Pampers Sensitive Wipes. THese would be great to use for my baby boy!
I would love to get the pampers sensitive wipes. I love the brand. they are the best diapers out there.
My best mommy tip is to trust your gut. Anyone and everyone will give you advice, some good and some not so good; do what feels right to you! Mommy instinct is real!
Movalbabysitter at gmail.com
Our friends with newborn twins would like the Natural Clean Wipes
I would like to try Pampers Sensitive Wipes. My son's has really sensitive skin and Pampers is a trusted brand.
My favorite #MilestoneMoments was for sure the first smile! So precious! My tip...would be to take lots of pictures...they grow so fast!
I want to try the Pampers Natural Clean wipes. They would be super gentle on my kids bottoms.
I would like to try the papmpers natural clean wipes. We've tried several pampers products but nto those.
I think i would like to try the Pampers Extra Protection; they look very absorbent and a good option for overnight comfort.
I would love to try the Pampers Natural Clean Wipes
I'd love to try the Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive diapers!
My best mommy tip is to put headbands on your baby from Day 1, so they're used to it before they can grab it off.
I'd love to try the Pampers Baby Dry Size 1 Diapers Super Economy Pack - 216 Count! I love that you can buy them in such large quantities!
i would like to try the Pampers Cruisers Size 3 Diapers Economy Plus Pack seems like it would fit our family needs
Pampers cruisers size 3. My little guy is on the move
I would like to get the pampers cruisers size 3. My little guy is really on the move.
I would like to try the pampers swaddles and the pampers sensitive wipes with my little one due to arrive this December!
I'd like to try the pampers swaddlers & sensitive wipes with my baby girl who is two weeks old.
I would like to try the Pampers Swaddlers. I love the great quality of Pampers products.
I would love to try the Pampers Swaddlers! We've used the Pampers cruisers in the past and I really liked them!
My best mommy tip is to sleep when baby sleeps! The laundry isn't going anywhere, but your sanity might be lol. Also, don't be ashamed to ask and accept help! It's ok to not be superwoman, and it is such a blessing to have help from loved ones!
I would like to try their swaddles. They really helped my baby and I am just wandering if it would be better for her since they are a better brand.
My mommy tip is to take one day at a time. It would definitely do a lot for you.
my best parenting tips is be patient and make sure you have someone else to help you. its so hard to do it on your own so make sure your hubby helps too!
I would like to try the Natural Wipes
I would like to try the pampers cruisers, for my granddaughter. Paula C.
My best tip - Nap when your baby does, the other stuff will wait.
I'd most like to try the natural wipes. (entered as Linda)
My favorite mommy tip is to not be afraid to ask others for help. No one expects you to know everything and sometimes asking others for advice is the best thing.
I would love to try the Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 Diapers Super Economy Pack - 186 Count.
I would like to try the pampers swaddlers sz 1. they seem like really dependable diapers!
my mommy tip is to accept help when someone offers. its great to have someone else lighten the load a little bit.
Aside from the diapers we really like the natural clean wipes! Thanks for the chance.
We love the swaddlers and then the baby dry diapers at night!
I love Pampers Cruisers..great product ..no leaks and the fit my daughter just right
My fave #Milestonemoment is when your baby laughs outl loud for the first time ..it makes your heart skip a beat
I'd like to try the Swaddlers in size 5. I've only ever used them on a tiny baby before, but they are so soft and I think my toddler would like them too.
I would like to try Pampers Sensitive Soft Pack Wipes - 18 Count! These wipes look great and nothing beats a wipe for sensitive skin!
Papers baby dry!
Would love to try the cruisers as well as the splashers. We are on the swaddlers right now. Julie smartsavvymama@gmail.com
I would like most to try the Pampers Natural Clean Wipes on my daughter's sensitive skin.
My best mommy tip would be to always take help from family and friends. My favorite milestone moment is crawling.
I would love to try the Pampers Extra Protection! I've always been a fan of the swaddlers when my son was a newborn.
I would love to try the Pampers Swaddlers. We have not tried those yet
Take time for yourself. It's easy to get caught up with a new baby and not have some downtime to clear your mind.
I would love to try the Pampers Swaddlers size 1 Super Economy Pack they would be perfect for our little boy born in July.
We were given the newborn swaddlers at the hospital when our son was born and they were great. Would love to try the natural clean wipes next.
I would get the swaddlers sensitive. My son has been having some rashes lately
Pamers natural clean wipes. I would love to use natural wipes on my babies!
My best tip is to learn your own ways. Everyone and their mother and grandmother will try to tell you how everything SHOULD be. Every one, every baby and every family is different. There is no rules or one way to do anything besides love and make sure your kids are 110% taken care of!
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