Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Diabetes Awareness Month ~ Healthy Habits for a Healthy Life!

This post is part of the HEALTHY ESSENTIALS® 2014 program by Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. and The Motherhood, who sent me a box of products and compensated me for my time. Opinions, experiences and photos shared here are all my own, and I hope you enjoy them.


If you would have asked me ten years ago who I knew with diabetes, I would have said my grandparents.  I never would have thought it was something that affected children, or young people.  Today, I know several people of all ages (including young children) that have diabetes.  I have come to realize that things we may think of only as affecting "old people" or "overweight people" don't discriminate.

I've also come to learn that diabetes isn't an excuse to stop doing what you love and enjoy.  It doesn't have to hold you back and there are steps that can be taken to help support your overall health and lessen the effects of diabetes.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and I'm going to share some helpful information that was provided to me by J&J and The Motherhood.

If you have diabetes

1) Supplements may support overall health. 

2) You may be concerned about plaque and gingivitis, so healthy oral care habits are essential.

* LISTERINE® ULTRACLEAN® Dental Floss – Shred-resistant dental floss stretches, flexes and slides easily between teeth. MICRO-GROOVES® Technology removes 2x more plaque than Glide® Mint Floss.

* LISTERINE® ULTRACLEAN® Mouthwash – The only leading mouthwash with an anti-tartar ingredient and new EVERFRESH™ Technology for a dentist clean feeling that lasts up to three times longer vs. brushing alone. Has the clinically proven plaque and germ-killing power of LISTERINE® Antiseptic. 

3) Lotion or cream such as LUBRIDERM® can help moisturize your skin. Talk to your doctor before use.  

* LUBRIDERM® Daily Moisture Fragrance-Free Lotion – Replenish and moisturize dry skin. It’s fragrance-free, fortified with Vitamin B5 and skin-essential moisturizers. The clean-feeling, non-greasy formula absorbs in seconds and moisturizes for hours – in fact, it’s clinically shown to moisturize for 24 hours. 

4) Check with your doctor; your wounds should be treated immediately. 

* NEOSPORIN® Original Ointment – For over 55 years, NEOSPORIN® products have been the gold standard for all your minor cuts, scrapes and burns. NEOSPORIN® Original Ointment provides 24 hour infection protection and may help minimize the appearance of scars. 

* BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages – America’s #1 bandage brand covers all your wound-protection needs. BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages have covered and protected minor cuts and scrapes for millions of people over 90 years. 

5) Currently one in three American adults have pre-diabetes and are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. One of the most important steps you can take to lower this risk is eating well to maintain a healthy weight. 

* When used to replace sugar, SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener Products can help people with diabetes reduce their intake of carbohydrate and calories. SPLENDA® Sweetener Products can contribute to a healthier lifestyle by helping to reduce calories from added sugar, and can be used almost anywhere sugar is used, including cooking and baking. 


Visit the HEALTHY ESSENTIALS® website for great savings and diabetes resources. 

Healthy Oral Care Habits:
Nearly 50% of American adults suffer from various forms of gum disease and don’t know it. Diabetes slows the body’s natural healing process, and as a result, your chance of problems associated with gum disease increases. Visiting your dentist twice a year is the best way to maintain good oral health and treat problems early.  

* Brush. Use fluoride toothpaste twice a day to fight cavities.
* Floss. Floss every day to disrupt and remove stubborn plaque.
* Rinse. Brushing teeth alone misses 75% of your mouth, leaving millions of germs behind. Adding a therapeutic mouthwash to your daily routine is essential to maintaining proper oral care. 

Skin Care Tips

According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes can affect every part of the body, including the skin. To address skin-specific needs, here are a few tips to keep in mind: 

* Clean and Dry. Ensuring that skin is always clean and dry helps prevent fungal growth and harmful bacteria from developing into infections. Try a gentle body wash.
* Hydrate. Keeping skin hydrated with a moisturizing body lotion or cream helps relieve the itch associated with dry skin while preventing irritation and cracking.
* Check and Treat. Checking skin daily for cracks, and treating problems straight away, helps prevent infections. 

Watch Out for Wounds

According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetics can be at higher risk for wound problems due to potential issues with reduced skin sensation, blood circulation and the body’s natural defense system. Immediate wound care treatment is extremely important for people with diabetes, because an infection can lead to serious health problems. 

* Clean. Wash your hands thoroughly, stop bleeding by applying pressure, and clean cuts and scrapes with mild soap and water. Pat dry with a sterile gauze pad.
* Treat. Antibiotic ointments such as NEOSPORIN® First Aid Antibiotic Ointment can help prevent bacterial infection in minor cuts, scrapes and burns. Follow the package directions and your doctor’s instructions.
* Protect. Cover the wound with a bandage, making sure it extends a half-inch beyond the wound. Check product label and warning before applying – some covers might not be appropriate for you if you have diabetes. Then select a tape or wrap to comfortably hold your dressing in place without damaging your skin upon removal. 

A Sweet Option:

For people with diabetes who must control their blood sugar levels through careful monitoring of carbohydrate intake, no-calorie sweeteners such as SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener can offer a sweet alternative to full calorie sweeteners. 

* On-the-go. People with diabetes can use low- and no-calorie sweeteners to sweeten products such as beverages, yogurt, whole-grain cereals and fruit without adding all the calories and carbohydrate of sugar.
* Managing weight. When used in place of sugar, low-and no-calorie sweeteners can help decrease the amount of carbohydrate and calories found in foods and beverages, which may help with weight management and blood glucose control. 

Do you have a loved one with diabetes?

This post is part of the HEALTHY ESSENTIALS® 2014 program by Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. and The Motherhood, who sent me a box of products and compensated me for my time. Opinions, experiences and photos shared here are all my own, and I hope you enjoy them.

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