Monday, August 31, 2015

Where Did Summer Go?

Where did summer go?  How is it the last day of August already?  Summer is always filled with fun activities for our family and I always hate to see it come to an end.


The highlight of our summer might have been our whitewater rafting adventure down the Salmon River.  A first for us as a family, and a first for all of us except my husband.  I'll admit that I was nervous about this adventure - but it ended up being awesome!  In fact, we are planning another trip next summer.

We spent the rest of our summer enjoying our usual summertime activities: swimming, boating, and tubing.  We also went to the races and demo derby.  As well as a Seattle Mariners baseball game and a Spokane Indians baseball game.  And lets not forget the zoo!

Fires around the area kept us out of the forest and on "edge" since they were so close to home and my parents house.  We have all stayed safe thus far, and finally got some much needed rain!


We didn't make it to the Oregon Coast or get to go camping like we have every other summer... but that didn't make our summer any less memorable.

We still have one last week before the kids head back to school.  How are we going to spend our last weekend of summer vacation?  We are going to end summer with a "BOOM" by attending a Seattle Seahawks game!

How was your summer?  What memories did you make with your family over summer vacation?


  1. I am so with you, where did summer go? That whitewater rafting looks like so much fun. My husband would never do it, but maybe when the boys gets a little older:)

    We had a fun summer too, but it went by so fast. I just realized today that my birthday is Friday, when did September ever come this fast?

  2. Summer seemed to go by extra fast for us this year, too. My kids go back tomorrow and although we did tons of fun stuff, I wish I had more time.

  3. I've heard the trip down the Salmon River is amazing. So glad you had an amazing summer. It never lasts long enough, does it/

  4. It sounds like so much fun! I hope you have a blast with your end of summer celebration. I'm only slightly jealous your kids haven't started yet.

  5. This sounds so fun! Summer went too quick.

  6. Yes! Where did summer go!? We had a wet June which made it NOT seem like summer... and only had July for 'summer play"

  7. What pretty summer pictures! I agree, I couldn't believe waking up yesterday that it was September. But I'm honestly ready for the back to school routine.

  8. I moved both of the kids here over the summer, so it was a CRAZY summer. Hopefully things will settle down nicely now.

  9. Summer goes by way too fast! Hope you and your famly had an awesome summer!

  10. I can't believe it's already September. This summer certainly came and went!

  11. wow I had a quiet summer, not anything to write about, but still enjoyable. This rafting adventure does look wonderful fun! I'd probably be a little nervous, too, but those life jackets make it look pretty safe!
